Clearing a Path: How to Prepare for Your Invisalign Treatment

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drphillipteam @ 7:55 pm
Patient beginning Invisalign treatment

Are you considering Invisalign to finally achieve the straighter, more confident smile you’ve always dreamed of? If so, preparing for your Invisalign treatment can make the process far smoother, creating a clear path to success. But what can you possibly do before you even have your aligners? Read on to learn how you can get ready for your Invisalign treatment to create a better experience.

1. Research the Process

Before starting Invisalign, it’s important to understand how it works. The treatment uses a series of clear, custom-made aligners to gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions. You’ll wear each set of aligners for about two weeks before switching to the next set in the series. The duration of treatment varies, but it typically ranges from 6 to 18 months, depending on your needs.

2. Schedule Your Consultation

If you haven’t yet, now is the time to book a consultation with your dentist. During this visit, they will examine your teeth, take X-rays, and discuss your goals. This is also a great time to ask any questions you might have about the process, duration, and expected results!

3. Stock Up on Dental Supplies

You’ll need to be more diligent about your oral hygiene with Invisalign, so it’s a good idea to gather the necessary supplies. Here’s what you should grab for your dental kit:

  • Travel-Sized Toothbrush and Toothpaste: These will help you clean your teeth after meals, especially when you’re on the go.
  • Aligner Cleaning Products: Invisalign provides specialty cleaning crystals, but you can also use gentle antibacterial soap and a soft toothbrush for daily cleaning.
  • Floss Picks or Portable Water Flosser: Flossing is an important aspect of your Invisalign treatment that can make or break your progress. So, carrying good flossing tools is essential.

4. Adjust Your Mealtimes and Diet

While you can eat whatever you want during Invisalign treatment, when you can eat becomes a much more pressing question. Because you’ll need to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day to continue to progress, you’ll need to plan mealtimes carefully. This also means that you may have to give up snacking because you’ll need to brush and floss every time you eat.

By following these preparation tips, you’ll set yourself up for a smooth and successful Invisalign experience. Stay positive and committed and you’ll have no trouble achieving the results you want. If you need more guidance, call your dentist and schedule a consultation. They’ll be able to answer any questions you may have about your upcoming Invisalign treatment!

About the Author

Dr. George T. Philip is a talented dentist with a doctorate from the Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine. As a lifelong resident of Mesquite, he’s dedicated to serving the community through top-notch dental work and oral health education. Call (972) 285-6144 to schedule an Invisalign consultation at George T. Philip DMD Family and Cosmetic Dentistry or visit the website to learn more.

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