Dental Emergency? Visit Your Dentist Instead of the ER
April 15, 2020

Dental emergencies can happen when we least expect them and at the most inconvenient times – including when we are supposed to be social distancing and staying home to prevent transmission of the Coronavirus. If you injure your teeth or experience a painful toothache during the COVID-19 crisis, your first instinct may be to go to the local emergency room. After all, many dental practices have been temporarily ordered closed! However, turning to an emergency dentist in Sunnyvale is actually the best course of action in most cases. Find out the reasons why this is true below.
Open for Emergency Care
First, it is important for Sunnyvale residents to know that most dental practices are still accepting patients on an emergency basis. Although public health orders about which businesses may remain open vary from community to community, in many cases dental practices are still able to assist patients in need of emergency dental care.
Specialized Knowledge and Tools
One reason you should seek care from a dentist in Sunnyvale instead of going to the emergency room in a dental emergency is that responding to dental trauma requires specialized knowledge and the right set of tools. In many cases, local emergency rooms may not be equipped to properly care for a dental injury or tooth infection. For this reason, you should call an emergency dentist in Sunnyvale first if you have a persistent toothache or have injured your teeth. If you do require immediate medical attention, your dentist will be able to quickly advise you where to go after hearing or seeing your specific dental injury.
Emergency Room Capacity
Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, many hospitals and emergency rooms may be currently overworked. In some cases, hospitals have even temporarily paused nonessential outpatient surgeries and procedures so they can dedicate more manpower and other resources to combatting the virus. Avoiding the local emergency room in case of a dental emergency allows hospitals and ER staff to use their limited resources in the most effective manner possible.
Higher Risk of COVID-19 Transmission
One final reason to seek emergency dental care from a dentist is the potentially higher risk of COVID-19 transmission in an emergency room. While all hospitals are cleaning with disinfectants and taking other proper precautions to reduce the chances of the virus spreading, the fact is that many emergency rooms remain much more crowded than a typical dentist’s office. Maintaining social distancing measures can be more challenging in an emergency room environment.
During these uncertain times, it is more important than ever to take the necessary steps to preserve one’s oral and overall health. Should the unexpected happen, now you know you can turn to an emergency dentist in Sunnyvale for immediate assistance.
About the Author
Dr. George T. Philip has over 15 years of experience providing urgent care to patients with damaged or infected teeth. The native Texan treats patients of all ages and uses the latest imaging technology to detect and treat dental issues as quickly as possible. For more information about how to respond to dental emergencies, visit Dr. Philip’s website or call 972-285-6144.
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