See a Sunnyvale Dentist to Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits

October 8, 2018

Filed under: general dentistry — Tags: — drphillipteam @ 12:11 am

family in shortsIt all comes down to numbers—or so the saying goes. Well, here are some very interesting numbers for you to consider. According to The American Dental Association, Americans who have dental insurance receive $323 worth of dental treatment on average in a year. Dental insurance plans, however, typically offer coverage for up to $1,250. This means that $927 is not being used. Multiply $927 by the 164 million people who carry dental insurance and you get a whopping $152 billion! Most of those benefits do not roll over, so that’s a lot of money the insurance companies keep. This year, get your money’s worth! Schedule a dental checkup or a restorative procedure with a dentist in Sunnyvale before the end of the year.

Use It or Lose It

That phrase applies very well to dental insurance benefits. Most plans, including flexible spending accounts, have expiration dates at the end of the calendar year. So when January 1, 2019 arrives, your unused benefits will be gone. Therefore, if you have dental insurance benefits, you should use them over the next couple of months before they expire. After all, you have to pay for the privilege of having dental insurance, so why not use all of your benefits?

How to Use Your Dental Insurance

Your plan may require you to choose a dentist that is in-network. Others allow you to select any dentist you like, in or out of network. In either case, most dental practices will file your claim forms. This way, you know that you are receiving the full amount that you are owed. This also allows the dentist to maximize your dental benefits with a plan for treatment that can straddle two years in order not to exceed your annual benefit maximum.

Take Good Care of Your Smile

First and foremost, your dentist wants to prevent dental problems from occurring. That’s why regular dental cleanings and exams should be scheduled twice a year. These preventive visits are almost universally covered at 100 percent, because like your dentist the insurance companies know that these appointments can help you avoid more invasive and costly visits later.

Of course, if a problem is discovered during a checkup, then your dentist will offer the necessary restorative dentistry. Depending on the type of service required, restorative care is typically covered at either 50 or 80 percent.

Don’t let money slip through your fingers. Call a dentist in Sunnyvale today to schedule a dental checkup or another type of required service.


About the Author

Dr. George T. Philip earned his DMD degree from the Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine. He or a member of his staff will be glad to answer any questions you have about dental insurance. You can contact Dr. Philip through his website.

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